Our CSP workshop at the November ‘22 conference proposed two levels of guidance for Cryogenic Spill Protection: A short “Fundamentals of CSP” document outlining the essential information needed to ensure that a CSP system is correctly supplied and fit-for-purpose, and an “advanced” guidance document, containing more technical details on scenarios, consequence modelling, response of structures and equipment, qualification testing and assessment, materials selection, etc.
The first meeting of the working group to develop the “Fundamentals of CSP” guidance was held in May and the plans for the document discussed. Contributions from the group have enabled a drafting exercise to start that will provide a concise enquiry sheet that requests the essential information to enable a good supply of CSP, and a brief supporting document that provides explanatory background. The CSP document will be presented at the PFPNet conference, where we can discuss the needs of the advanced document.
If you would like to be part of this “fundamentals” working group, please contact simon.thurlbeck@pfpnet.com.