Technical Subcommittees Required for 2019 Activities

We recently announced the work scopes for 2019. These activities were part of a poll that our members voted on towards the end of 2018, and as such, outline areas that require immediate attention. The work scopes were approved by the Steering Committee in December and are as follows:

  • 3-Sided Protection of Structural Beams
  • Protection of Valves and Actuator Assemblies (as decided by the Steering Committee)
  • Design Fire Scenarios
  • High Heat Flux Test Protocol
  • Ageing and Weathering Test Specification Development
  • The Owners Inspector Training Course for PFP Coatings (as decided by the Steering Committee)

We are now ready to form Technical Subcommittees for four of the 2019 work scopes (work surrounding the High Heat Flux Test Protocol is already underway, as is work for the Ageing and Weathering Test Specification Development). Here is a quick recap of what is required:

3-Sided Protection of Structural Beams

Committee members will be tasked with developing PFPNet’s position and guidance on 3-sided protection coating detail. They will determine what level of investigation is required to address the issue and will develop guidance at a suitable level.

Protection of Valves and Actuator Assemblies

Committee members will need to propose a method that follows a prescriptive and repeatable process every time when it comes to testing and assessment so that certification can be attained.

Design Fire Scenarios

Members will collate and evaluate the results of hazard studies already produced for Brownfield and Greenfield projects in order to produce “standard scenarios” against which PFP systems can be specified and supplied (and possibly tested).

The Owners Inspector Training Course for PFP Coatings

This course is to provide training to inspectors and engineers responsible for ensuring that a PFP system of any generic type has been installed correctly. The subcommittee will develop the basic materials for this course using funding from a 3rd Party, who will then take the materials and develop them into a training course that can be delivered and examined.

PFPNet members interested in sitting on a 2019 technical subcommittee must register their interest before the 11th of March. Please contact Simon Thurlbeck to express your interest ASAP as places are limited.
